Wednesday 5 June 2013

The Very Best...

Lip Balm!

Converting to natural beauty is often an exercise in trial and error. Since transitioning my collection, I've definitely purchased my fair share of products that don't do what they should. But every once in a while I'll come across something so utterly magnificent, it needs to be shared. Today's spotlight product is a beauty essential: Lip balm. But not just any lip balm, the lip balm. 

Epic Blend offers gluten free, cruelty free, vegetarian, all natural lip balms that moisturize and nourish your lips like nothing else out there. This is one brand that truly lives up to their name. 

If you're anything like me, you're forever buying (and subsequently losing) lip balms so you have at least one on hand at all times: in your purse, beside your bed, in your pocket. Chapped lips are the enemy and I know I, for one, am always armed against them.  My collection used to be a hodge podge of brands, but since discovering Epic Blend at a local health food store, I've embarked upon a monogamous lip balm relationship, and I'm not looking back.

On top of their other benefits, Epic Blend lip balms are incredibly comfortable to wear, sinking easily into your lips instead of sitting on top of them. The brand offers a wide range of natural scents for whatever tickles your fancy. My current faves are citrus and cherry, but whatever you choose, you really can't go wrong.

So for all you lip balm junkies out there, I highly recommend giving Epic Blend a try. If you can't find them at your local health food store, the balms also available for purchase through the Epic Blend website. So my natural beauties, go forth and moisturize!

*Note: I am not in any way affiliated with the company mentioned above. All products from this company were purchased solely by me.

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